Bom Teroris Dirakit di Gubuk

Bogor, Aktivitas kelompok terduga teroris Harakah Sunni Untuk Masyarakat Indonesia (Hasmi) pimpinan Abu Hanifah alias Ahmad terus didalami. Polisi menggeledah sebuah gubuk yang diduga menjadi tempat perakitan bom di Gunung Suling, Desa Cibarengkok, Kecamatan Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor. Penggeledahan dilakukan petugas Pusat Laboratorium Forensik (Puslabfor) Mabes Polri, Minggu (28/10) siang.…

Misteri Teror Sel Hasmi

Jakarta, GATRAnews – Polisi menangkap jaringan terduga teroris di empat kawasan: Madiun, Solo, Bogor, dan Jakarta. Tercatat kelompok baru bernama Hasmi. Mirip nama Hasmi Bogor, tapi terklarifikasi berbeda. Kembali membidik simbol Amerika. Ditaksir terkait polemik film penista Nabi. — Halaman belakang rumah seluas 300 meteran persegi itu mirip arena outbond.…

10 Years After Bali Bombings, Local Militants Still Pose Threat

Ansyaad Mbai, the director of the National Counterterrorism Agency here, has a genealogy of terrorism spread across his office wall. It starts in 1949, the year Dutch colonizers acknowledged Indonesia’s independence, and extends to 2011. Like a family tree, it begins with one line and gradually branches out into an…

Pengamat: Poso Tetap Jadi Basis Kelompok Teroris

Menyusul beberapa aksi terorisme di Poso, Sulawesi Tengah, dalam beberapa waktu terakhir, mulai dari ledakan bom rakitan sampai pembunuhan polisi, para pengamat mengatakan bahwa kelompok teroris masih menjadikan daerah itu sebagai basis pertahanan mereka. Peneliti dan penulis buku tentang terorisme, Solahuddin, mengatakan pada sebuah diskusi di Jakarta, Kamis (18/10) bahwa…

Indonesian School With Terrorist Links

The school in this city’s notorious Ngruki district seems normal enough at first glance. There is a computer lab near the entrance. Beyond it, some teenage boys play basketball. In another wing, a group of girls wave hello and giggle shyly. On closer inspection, though, there are some unsettling differences…

Indonesia Puts Alleged Terrorist Hacker On Trial

The trial of alleged hacker Cahya Fitriyanta currently under way in Jakarta represents the first time a suspect accused of stealing money online to finance terrorism has been prosecuted in Indonesia. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for the 26-year-old cell phone technician, who has been charged with premeditated murder,…

Militants Still a Threat In Indonesia

CRACKDOWN: Security forces have killed 60 and arrested 700 militants but new terror cells continue to be set up, writes Sara Schonhardt ANSYAAD Mbai, the director of the National Counterterrorism Agency in Jakarta, has a genealogy of terrorism spread across his office wall. It starts in 1949, the year Dutch…

Rise Of The Terrorist Super-Organism

by Kumar Ramakrishna 04:45 AM Oct 17, 2012 On the tenth anniversary of the suicide bombings in Bali on Oct 12, 2002, by Jemaah Islamiyah terrorists that resulted in 202 civilian deaths, what have the security authorities in Indonesia and the region learned in the ensuing decade? Three lessons seem…

Intoleransi Agama Makin Marak

Terbongkarnya rencana kelompok Islam radikal untuk membom kedutaan besar Amerika di Jakarta memicu reaksi internasional. Para analis politik menilai, kasus itu menegaskan makin maraknya intoleransi di Indonesia. Para analis politik menilai, terkuaknya rencana serangan bom terhadap kedutaan besar Amerika di Jakarta dan konsulat di Surabaya, merupakan indikasi bahwa pemerintah Indonesia…

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